"It is the legendary empire that inspired some of the most celebrated art and literature of all time and is cited as the start of modern civilisation. The Roman Empire was a political and military force to be reckoned with, and their influence spread far across Europe and the Mediterranean. Remnants of their civilisation and infrastructure still exist today, reflecting the lasting nature of their legacy. The Book of the Roman Empire takes a closer look at the famous Ancient Rome, from its icons like Caesar and Julia Maesa to its mythology and religious practises.Featuring: Roman life and society - What was life like for the Romans, how did they keep themselves entertained, and how did the class system work? Roman icons and emperors - From Caesar to Cicero, learn how the most famous and iconic leaders in Ancient Rome made their mark. Religion and mythology - Meet the gods of the Roman pantheon and discover their heritage, and find out how the Roman chose to worship them. Rome’s military prowess - Trace how the Romans battled and conquered their way to greatness.
The Legend of Rome • From its humble beginnings as a small kingdom of warring fiefdoms, to one of history’s most imposing superpowers, Rome was a nation for the ages
The Rise of the Roman Empire • How Rome built its empire, negotiating or seizing the largest population of any unified political entity in the West
EUROPE, 133 – 27 BCE The Fall of the Roman Republic
How the Romans Lived • All walks of life filled the streets of Ancient Rome, and for the poorer people of society the empire was very different to those at the top
Housing the Romans
Food for the masses
Roman Houses • The houses of Roman citizens varied according to their wealth. The more modest houses were called insulae – these houses, like the flats of today, emerged in the cities due to overcrowding. Patricians would live at their opulent country villas and the wealthier merchants lived in urban domus
The Roles of Roman Women • Ancient Rome wasn’t an equal society and women were expected to behave and live differently to men
Ancient Rome, 200 BCE – today Roman Thermae
Underworld of Ancient Rome • In the Senate and the streets, crime was rife in Ancient Rome. From escaped slaves to treacherous aristocrats, discover the extent of Roman villainy
One law for one… • Crime and punishment in Rome’s class system
Lawyering up in Ancient Rome • Defence in the Roman courts
Roman Punishments • From the cruel to the unusual
Blood, Guts & Gladiators • From enjoying beautiful poetry to cheering on a bloodthirsty gladiator going in for the kill, the Romans sure knew how to enjoy their free time
Rome’s most popular sports • Sports and entertainment were synonymous in Ancient Rome, as athletes became famous icons that drew huge crowds
Circus Maximus • Discover the arenas in which Rome’s best would duke it out for the entertainment of the masses
A Day in the Life of a Chariot Racer • The death-defying sportsmen racing for glory in the Circus Maximus, Rome
What Have the Romans Done for Us? • They came, they saw and they conquered – and they shaped modern Europe at the same time
The Dynasties of the Roman Empire • From its earliest days in the republic, to the final dark days of the empire, the dynasties of Rome shaped the nation and its fate
Augustus • As the republic burned around him, one man would change Rome’s fate forever
Caligula • Did the depraved Roman emperor, known for his horsing around, deserve the boot?
Agrippina The Most Extraordinary Woman of the Roman World • Agrippina the Younger is remembered as the tyrannical mother of Nero....